On Sunday my host family took me to Kyoto and Nara. Sorry it took so long to post this. I have been very busy with school. I often dont get home until 5, 6, or even 7 sometimes. First, we departed for Nara. It was about an hour car drive from Nishinomiya. When we arrived it was increadible. There were deer EVERYWHERE. First, we went to go see 平城宮跡. It was basically a huge gate in the middle of nowhere. It was very cool. 天気はめちゃ蒸し暑かった。 So, we didnt stay very long. We basically ran back to the salvation known as air conditioning. Next, we went to one of Naras(still dont know how to type apostrophe) parks

to see the deer (しか). The second you biught those cracker things, they swarmed. Okasan took a very amusing video of me running away from them. After the deer, we went to see big buddah. It was very interesting. To go to most of these things, you had to pay admission, including Big Buddah. Big Buddah was vey, well, um... big. For lack of better word. The room was horribly lit for pictures, so most of my pictures of it suck. After Big Buddah, we went to Kyoto. Our first stop in Kyoto was the Kiyomizu Dera. It had a really good view! You could see Kyoto Tower! My host brother and I waited in line to drink the ``pure`` water. It was a lot of fun. After Kiyomizu Dera, we went to KINKAKUJI! I was so excited! I have always wanted to see Kinkakuji! It was so pretty! I took way too many pictures of it though. There was also additional small ponds with Koi and turtles! There were many people in Yukatas. I managed to get a picture with two girls in yukatas. After walking around a bit more, we found of people surrounding what looked like a Japanese Wishing well. People were trying to throw coins into the middle dish full of water. I got a 10¥ coin in on my first try! After some gift shopping, we went home. It was a bunch of fun. Sorry again about lack of updates. Expect more from now on! Exams start next week so no school for me! XD
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